
“Hustler Tawala,” Shock as Man uses LPG cylinder to fuel his motorbike

In recent times, Kenyan motorists have been grappling with the challenging issue of soaring fuel costs. Both Petrol and Diesel prices have surged, exceeding Ksh. 200 per liter, marking a historic high in Kenya’s history.

Nonetheless, a young Kenyan bodaboda rider has captivated the nation by introducing a more affordable method for fueling his motorcycle. This innovative young man left the online community in awe with a video showcasing his use of an LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) cylinder to power his motorbike.

In this viral video, the resourceful rider ingeniously affixed the gas cylinder to his motorcycle and connected it to the vehicle’s fuel system through a plastic pipe. He then proceeded to demonstrate its functionality, and to everyone’s amazement, it worked remarkably well.

Nevertheless, a segment of Kenyans expressed reservations about the efficacy of employing a gas cylinder as a substitute for traditional Petrol and Diesel. Some voiced concerns about potential risks, particularly related to the cylinder overheating.

One Facebook user remarked, “Kudos to the man for his creativity, but I’m not convinced. What if the cylinder were to explode?” Another concerned Kenyan commented, “The government should intervene in this matter. It’s pushing Kenyans to take unnecessary risks with their lives.”

Notably, just yesterday, Citizen TV aired a report featuring Kenyans who are employing LPG cylinders to fuel generators. These resourceful farmers have opted for this more economical alternative to power water pumps for their farms.