
Gen-Z are funded by Wazungus to protest against Finance Bill –spokesperson Isaac Mwaura

Government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura claimed on June 22, 2024, that a foreign power is backing Gen-Z protests against the Finance Bill across various regions of the country.

Speaking at a press briefing, Mwaura alleged that powerful international entities were financing these protests due to their displeasure with President William Ruto’s positions on global issues, particularly the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“Gen Z, please hear me out. While there are genuine concerns being raised, there appears to be a foreign influence at play,” Mwaura stated, suggesting a possible external agenda behind the unrest.

He further asserted that certain foreign powers were unhappy with President Ruto’s initiatives, such as advocating for climate action and reducing reliance on the US dollar in international trade, which may have sparked their support for the protests.

Mwaura’s comments echoed recent statements by political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi, who earlier suggested that foreign forces were behind the ‘Occupy Parliament’ demonstrations and the broader opposition to the Finance Bill.

In a statement dated June 19, 2024, Ngunyi pointed out that these protests by Kenyan youth were orchestrated by external interests dissatisfied with the policies of President Ruto’s administration.

He urged Members of Parliament to consider the possibility of external manipulation influencing the protests, cautioning against dismissing them as purely domestic discontent.

“Dear MPs, have you considered the prospect that a foreign power, unhappy with Ruto, is influencing the ‘Occupy Parliament’ movement?” Ngunyi questioned, emphasizing the potential destabilizing effects of such foreign interventions.

In essence, both Mwaura and Ngunyi raised concerns about external interference in domestic affairs, highlighting suspicions that foreign entities may be exploiting local grievances for broader geopolitical objectives.