
From Fame to Farm: Sad Story What really happened to Naiboi? “NANI ALIIBA NYOTA YAKE”

Naiboi stands out among Kenya’s renowned musicians, particularly during the period from 2010 to 2021, where he unexpectedly went silent following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. A once prominent figure in the country’s music scene, known for his prowess as a producer, Naiboi’s sudden retreat from the limelight has left fans curious about the reasons behind his hiatus….CONTINUE READING

Entering the Kenyan music industry in the early 2000s under the moniker Rapdamu, Naiboi initially focused on rap but struggled to gain widespread recognition. It took him approximately 14 years to carve out a niche for himself and establish a brand, prompting a name change to Naiboi and the launch of his own record label, Pacho.

In 2015, Naiboi made a significant impact with the release of “WelleWelle,” a collaboration with Timmy Tdat, followed by other hits like ‘Tingika’ and ‘Problem.’ These songs, coupled with the success of Pacho record label, propelled Naiboi into national fame, earning him significant airplay on television and radio.

The turning point in Naiboi’s career came in 2018 when he decided to fully commit to music. The release of the game-changing international hit “2in1” marked a pivotal moment, garnering attention both in Africa and beyond. The song dominated charts in 2018, earning Naiboi multiple awards and a coveted spot on Coke Studio in 2019, showcasing his talent at an international level. Additionally, he actively participated in the “Play Kenyan Music” movement alongside Khaligraph Jones.

However, Naiboi’s trajectory took an unexpected turn with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Having signed a contract with Universal Music record label, a disagreement ensued, resulting in a two-year ban on releasing music. Naiboi candidly shared his challenges, leading to a period of musical silence. Despite releasing an EP in 2021, it did not achieve the expected success. In 2022, a single release failed to garner substantial streams.

Reliable sources revealed that Naiboi opted for an extended break from music, relocating to the United States. Reports indicate that he is thriving overseas, enjoying a lavish lifestyle. Despite his absence, Kenyan fans eagerly anticipate Naiboi’s potential comeback, yearning for the return of his music to the national scene.