
Famous Luo-based Radio Station, Radio Lake Victoria 92.1 FM, Submerged by Lake Victoria Backflow

Radio Lake Victoria 92.1 FM, a distinguished Luo radio station nestled at Kisumu’s Dunga Beach in Nyanza, has fallen victim to the relentless backflow of Lake Victoria’s waters. What once stood as a beacon of community connection and conservation advocacy now lies submerged beneath the lake’s surface.

Renowned as the Voice of Lake Victoria, Radio Lake Victoria 92.1 FM has been a steadfast purveyor of news across the East African Lake Victoria Region, alongside its pivotal role in fostering awareness about the preservation of the region’s rich biodiversity. In addition to its informative broadcasts, the station has been a source of cultural enrichment, resonating with the traditional rhythms of the Luo community through the vibrant sounds of ohangla and nyatiti music.

This calamity unfolds against the backdrop of a broader crisis, with over 5,000 individuals in Kisumu County displaced by torrential rains. These rains have triggered a backflow phenomenon, wherein Lake Victoria’s waters surge inland, inundating countless homes and leaving devastation in their wake.

Communities in Nyando, Kadibo, and Kisumu Central sub-counties find themselves on the front lines of this disaster. Benson Leparmorijo, the Kisumu County Commissioner, has been at the forefront of response efforts, overseeing the establishment of evacuation centers and coordinating aid distribution to affected families. Amidst the chaos, displaced families have sought refuge wherever possible, from makeshift camps to the shelter of elevated terrain.

Leparmorijo’s urgent plea echoes throughout the flood-stricken region, urging residents in vulnerable areas to seek higher ground for their safety. The provision of relief aid, including food and medical assistance, remains a top priority, with collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Health and the county government in full swing.

In the face of adversity, the Kenyan Red Cross has emerged as a beacon of hope, spearheading the evacuation of stranded families and spearheading initiatives to redirect water flow. Heavy machinery stands ready in Kadibo and Muhoroni, poised to clear drainage systems and alleviate the impact of the deluge.

Though Radio Lake Victoria 92.1 FM may lie silent beneath the waves, the spirit of resilience burns brightly within the communities it once served. As efforts to rebuild and recover gain momentum, the enduring solidarity of the people stands as a testament to their unwavering resolve in the face of nature’s fury.