
Family Hopes To Raise Ksh.143M As Son’s Execution Date In Saudi Arabia Nears

A Kenyan family is in a frantic race against time, striving to gather Ksh.150 million to prevent their son from facing execution in Saudi Arabia after being found guilty of murder.

Bertrand Munyakho, aged 50, was convicted of the murder of Abdul Halim, a Yemeni national, back in 2011. Reports indicate that Halim, who served as a warehouse manager alongside Munyakho, tragically lost his life following a confrontation with the accused.

The legal entanglements for Munyakho took a turn for the worse when the victim’s family successfully appealed, elevating the charges to murder. The Yemeni family initially demanded four hundred million shillings in “blood money,” a figure eventually negotiated down to one hundred fifty million shillings after discussions with Munyakho’s family.

In a desperate bid for Munyakho’s freedom, his family has been leaving no stone unturned, exploring various avenues including mediation with the victim’s family. Despite the daunting financial hurdle, Munyakho’s sister, Emmy Abukho, remains hopeful, rallying support through fundraisers and exploring all available options.

To facilitate contributions, the family has established two payment methods: direct transfers to Munyakho’s mother, Dorothy Musopole, via Mpesa at 0702-878-717, or utilizing the Paybill number 8056675 under the account name “Let’s Bring Back Stevo.”

Additionally, the family is considering alternative strategies such as petitioning for an extension on the deadline, continuing negotiations with the victim’s family, and reaching out to the widow’s relatives to seek acceptance of their offer before the looming deadline of May 15th.