
Fake Pastor Kanyari Reveals How Much Money He Makes from TikTok Live

Controversial pastor Victor Kanyari, also known as Bishop Mwangi, recently sparked attention by sharing his significant earnings from TikTok.

In a recent live stream, Kanyari proudly disclosed that he had accrued over KSh 400,000 since joining the social media platform. He expressed his gratitude for this unexpected income and announced his decision to donate the entire amount to a children’s home, considering it as an offering.

Despite facing scrutiny about his presence on TikTok, Kanyari remained resolute in his stance, stating that he wouldn’t abandon the platform. He suggested that his continued engagement allows others to make offerings, emphasizing his commitment by humorously suggesting he could summon a lion if he left.

When questioned about his motives, Kanyari clarified that his presence on TikTok wasn’t driven by financial gain but rather by his compassion for people and his mission to spread the gospel to those in need. He explained that his aim was to pray for the sick, provide solace to troubled souls, and bring joy to those who may be suffering from spiritual oppression or living abroad without happiness.