Residents of Nyaga village, Kihumbuini- Gatanga Constituency were treated to a rare drama after a middle aged man unleashed a swarm of bees on mourners at his residence.
It is reported that the man was protesting the burial of his steb-brother who passed on before they could settle an unfinished business.
Scared mourners were forced to scamper for safety and the deadly stings of the bees, leaving the coffin unattended.
Residents alleged that the man had climbed on top of an avocado tree and after unleashing the bees, vanished into thin air.
Reports indicate that the deceased had committed suicide on the man’s tree which was later cut down as it is customs of the Agikuyu community.
The assailant demanded for payments but even at the time of his brother’s burial had not been settled.
The burial however continued with the pastor and few residents suffering from non life threatening injuries.