Dennis Okari, a media personality, and his wife Naomi Joy recently celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, Okari wrote a heartfelt message to his beloved wife, expressing his happiness in sharing his life with her. In his message, Okari expressed his delight at “sharing another trip around the sun” with Naomi Joy and wished her a happy anniversary.
The couple tied the knot in a secret wedding ceremony held at the Ridgeways Baptist Church in Nairobi on February 15, 2019. The wedding was an intimate affair, attended only by close friends and family members.
During the wedding ceremony, Naomi Joy recited a beautiful poem that brought tears to Dennis Okari’s eyes. She also prayed for him and wished him well, telling him that he was her king and treasure.
Despite being in the public eye, the couple has managed to keep their relationship private, even after their wedding. It is worth noting that Okari was previously married to Betty Kyallo, but the two separated just six months after their wedding.