Former Churchill Show comedian Gilbert Barasa, known by the stage name Mtumishi, has shared insights into his strained relationship with his mother, who raised him as a single parent.
During a church service at JCCM Church, Mtumishi expressed his pastor’s perspective, blaming his mother for the breakdown of her own marriage, alleging the use of witchcraft. He credited his current position to God rather than his mother’s efforts, highlighting the emotional distance between them.
The comedian went on to reveal that he has not communicated with his mother in the past two years. He candidly stated that he would feel no emotional impact if she were to pass away today. Mtumishi recounted the last time he attempted to visit his mother, dating back to 2021, emphasizing their lack of communication. He shared that he purposely avoided answering her calls, explaining that his mother disowned him after his appearance on the Churchill Show, citing a lack of support and accusing him of disturbing the peace at home.
Facing financial difficulties, Mtumishi turned to his ex-girlfriend for assistance, receiving Kshs5,000, which he invested in a smokie business. He explained that he couldn’t seek help from his father due to his father’s remarriage.
As the firstborn, Mtumishi recounted his struggle to make a living by selling smokies. Desperate for support, he approached his father for financial help with Churchill Show auditions, only to be turned down initially. However, after his TV appearance, his father acknowledged his seriousness and offered assistance.
Adding another layer to his family dynamics, Mtumishi shared that his mother doubted his success on TV and opposed his marriage to a Kikuyu woman. He claimed that his mother predicted the failure of his marriage, and, as he revealed, his marriage ended four months later.