
Catholic faithful shocked as: Statue of the Virgin Mary ‘Begins to Weep’ with Tears Streaming during Church Service

The Catholic faithful in Mexico were left astonished after witnessing what some describe as a genuine ‘miracle’ involving the weeping statue of the Virgin Mary—an extraordinary occurrence captured on film.

The purported miracle is said to have taken place in a church located in El Canal, a community situated in the state of Colima, according to a report by Mail Online. In response to this reported event, hundreds of believers and curious onlookers gathered around the spiritual statue, hoping to witness tears flowing from the eyes of the Virgin Mary.

A video circulating on social media showcased droplets of water falling from the statue’s eyes, streaming down its face. Some witnesses even asserted that the statue’s eyes turned red as tears were shed. Victor Ramos, a resident of the area, was quoted as saying, “Similarly, as we cry, and our eyes turn red, the same thing happens to the image.”

Interestingly, some individuals have drawn connections between the tears of the Virgin Mary statue and the prevalent violence in the state of Colima this year. According to Mail Online, the Colima Prosecutor’s Office reported 702 confirmed intentional homicides as of October.

Observers and believers are interpreting the tears of the statue as a symbolic gesture, suggesting that the Virgin Mary is attempting to convey a message of peace to a community besieged by violence. This interpretation gains significance against the backdrop of the ongoing challenges faced by the region.

In a broader context, in April, the Vatican’s university in Italy took a noteworthy step by deciding to investigate ‘extraordinary events’ occurring worldwide. This initiative, part of a new voluntary investigative program, encompasses phenomena such as ‘weeping’ statues of the Virgin Mary, apparitions, and paranormal occurrences. The move by the Vatican’s university reflects a commitment to exploring and understanding the supernatural occurrences that capture the attention and faith of communities worldwide.