
Boyfriend pours acid on his beautiful girlfriend

A young Ghanaian lady named Nyarko Nadia has taken to the internet to solicit for help and funds after her boyfriend poured acid on her

According to reports, the sad incident happened at Weija – Where Nadia stays after a heated argument between her and her notorious boyfriend who is currently nowhere to be found.

As wildly alleged by Belinda Adwoa Wattson on Facebook…

“That is Nardia I know her in Weija she used to sell indomie in front of the Pentecost church what happened is that someone called her and told her they saw her boyfriend and a lady in a hotel so she went to the hotel with acid to pour on the other lady but her boyfriend defended his sidechick by dragging the acid with Nardia and mistakenly the acid pourd on her”

Below are some of the comments gathered under the sad story which has since taken over Facebook trends…

Ofori Yere Akosua Afrakuma – The guy must be arrested

Prince Osei – She didn’t die she is lucky, my wife’s senior sister also died through this acid thing, he broke up with his guy not knowing he has planned to pour acid on lady, at dawn the lady was going to look for fire wood to cook her food for people to buy the next morning, the guy met her and poured the acid on her. The man is no where to be found.

Christine Elorm Awudza – But why must you go and fight another lady besides he’s not married to you….. Hmm this guy too why

Kobby Forson – I hope the wise ladies are learning.

Hagrid DE Singing Bird – Why would you want to pour acid on another lady whom your guy is knacking? You brought this upon yourself. Date sensible men!!

Kaiza William Kaiza – Is about time we start arresting those guys producing that harmful chemicals call acid,it is not a good chemicals in our society,harmful to human body,please stop producing those chemicals now to save life.