Controversial singer Esther Akothee found herself embroiled in a heated controversy regarding her scheduled keynote speech at a talent show in Ng’iya Girls High School, Siaya County.
However, the highly anticipated event faced potential cancellation due to objections raised by school alumni, concerned members of the public, and the local ACK bishop. These parties questioned whether Akothee was a suitable role model for the students.
The decision to cancel Akothee’s participation reportedly stemmed from a WhatsApp screenshot shared by the President of Single Mothers. This screenshot revealed the ACK bishop’s discomfort with the singer’s presence at the event.
The bishop’s disapproval led to a meeting with the school’s principal, Madam Hellen, during which it was evidently conveyed that Akothee’s involvement would not be appreciated.
“We regret to inform you that we will have to cancel the event as the ACK bishop of the area is not comfortable with our presence. They even visited the school and were quite firm with Principal Madam Hellen,” the screenshot conveyed.
In response to the cancellation, Akothee expressed her gratitude on her social media platforms toward Madam Hellen, the school’s principal. She thanked her for the kindness and support she had received in the past, particularly during her visit to Sinyolo Girls. During this visit, Akothee had witnessed Madam Hellen’s unwavering commitment to assisting the less fortunate.
The singer recognized that Madam Hellen’s new foundation at Ngiya Girls High School would have a positive impact on many lives and elevate the institution’s profile on the global stage.
Despite the event’s cancellation, Akothee emphasized her continued dedication to supporting charitable causes that make a positive impact on society. She pledged her ongoing support to such initiatives, even from her current position, and expressed her appreciation for the love and trust that Madam Hellen had shown her.
Despite her disappointment over the canceled appearance, Akothee remained optimistic and pledged to persist in supporting any cause that makes a positive difference in society. She acknowledged the bishop’s concerns and emphasized the significance of praying for one another as flawed individuals, expressing hope that they might meet in heaven someday.