Two young lives tragically came to an end as they were swept away by the ferocious floods of Ndarugu River in Silibwet village, situated within Nessuit, Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County.
Confirming this heart-wrenching incident, Douglas Mutai, the local chief, affirmed that search and rescue efforts have been initiated, employing the assistance of local divers to recover the bodies of the two sisters, aged 15 and 17.
As per the available information, the siblings were accompanied by a friend while attempting to cross the river. Regrettably, amidst the torrential rain, they lost their footing and were swept away by the relentless current. Their friend narrowly escaped the same fate, managing to swim to safety.
Identified as Sharon Chepngetitch and Faith Cheptoo, the departed minors were students at Tegitech Primary School, respectively in grades seven and six. Mutai emphasized the imperative for local residents to steer clear of swollen rivers and exercise utmost caution during the ongoing heavy rainfall across the region.