
Tiktoker Who Ate Bat Shocks Kenyans After Cooking and Eating Cow Dung

Once again, Aq9ine, renowned as the King of Mogoka, has captured the attention of social media users.

Aq9ine, known for his penchant for the extraordinary, has embarked on another daring venture to captivate his followers and boost engagement on his social media platforms.

His content predominantly features him exploring novel culinary experiences and embracing life’s pleasures to the fullest.

A year ago, in 2022, the TikToker faced a severe health setback after deciding to catch, cook, and consume a bat, a video that went viral. Despite the widespread attention, he had to seek medical intervention as he began vomiting blood, and his overall health deteriorated.

One might have assumed that the content creator had learned from the ordeal and abandoned his penchant for unusual meals. However, he surprised Kenyans by engaging in yet another eccentric culinary escapade—this time indulging in cow dung.

In a video posted on his official Instagram page, the King of Mogoka is seen preparing for his unique feast by gathering fresh cow dung, placing it in a sufuria, and adding various spices. This unconventional culinary choice once again showcases Aq9ine’s determination to astonish his audience and amass a larger following through his unconventional antics.