Renowned Kenyan rapper Stephen Odero, widely known as Stevo Simple Boy, has unequivocally expressed his lack of longing for his former partner, Pritty Vishy.
In a candid exchange with Eve Nyaga, the Kibera-born artist articulated several grievances against the 22-year-old individual.
Moreover, he deliberated on the potential revival of their erstwhile relationship, outlining stringent conditions for such an eventuality.
“Initially, an apology with a sum of fifty thousand is requisite. Should she aspire to reconcile, a sum of five hundred thousand must be tendered. Furthermore, for the prospect of conception, one million is mandated, and for matrimonial vows, two million,” Stevo delineated.
The ‘Freshi Barida’ sensation underscored his escalated terms, emphasizing his stance.
Vishy and Simple Boy parted ways early in 2022, mere months after their liaison became public knowledge.
Nonetheless, speculations circulated regarding the nature of their relationship, with reports suggesting Simple Boy’s inclination to defer intimacy until matrimony with the 21-year-old artist.
In a prior interview, Stevo hinted at his involvement with Pritty Vishy while still wedded to his spouse, Grace Atieno, basing his decision on the conduct of both parties.
“When faced with two options, one assesses character and virtues. For me, her modesty and forbearance were compelling,” elucidated the Kibera luminary.
In a separate instance, Pritty Vishy insinuated a romantic affiliation with DJ Starvy, though subsequent disclosures debunked this notion, revealing their jestful camaraderie devoid of romantic undertones.