
Sikuoa mrembo, nilioa rafiki – Rashid Abdalla reveals secret behind his thriving marriage

Rashid Abdalla and Lulu Hassan, the dynamic duo of Citizen TV’s journalism scene in Kenya, are unquestionably one of the country’s most admired couples. Their seemingly flawless partnership has left many in awe, wondering about the secret to their successful marriage. Recently, Rashid Abdalla offered a glimpse into their harmonious relationship during a conversation with Dennis Milimo, a journalist from Mpasho News, at the private launch of the Zari series.

When Milimo probed Abdalla about the undisclosed secret behind their enduring bond, the celebrated media personality responded with an outpouring of admiration for his wife, Lulu Hassan. He conveyed that while he loves his job, it is Lulu who infuses him with the strength to love it even more. Abdalla’s heartfelt words underscored the deep connection and support they share, both personally and professionally.

In addition to extolling Lulu’s role in his career, Rashid Abdalla also highlighted her passion for her work and her dedication to helping the youth. He emphasized that Lulu’s love is evident in her commitment to her job and her outreach to young individuals, further solidifying her as a compassionate and caring person.

Abdalla went on to express that Lulu has played a significant part in his personal and professional growth. He acknowledged her invaluable contributions to his life, confirming the strength of their partnership.

When asked about what it’s like working alongside his wife within the same media house and collaborating on various projects, Rashid Abdalla revealed that it’s an unparalleled experience. He emphasized that Lulu is not just his spouse but also his friend, which makes their professional collaborations even more rewarding. Abdalla confessed that he didn’t marry Lulu solely for her beauty but for the genuine friendship they share, inside and outside the studio.

He expressed his contentment with having a friend who isn’t afraid to correct him when he makes mistakes. According to Abdalla, a true friend is someone who offers honest criticism when necessary, and he appreciates Lulu’s unwavering support and guidance in this regard.

In a heartfelt parting message to his beloved wife, Rashid Abdalla encouraged Lulu to continue pursuing her passions and expressed his hope that God would bestow even more blessings upon her. His words encapsulated the profound love and respect he holds for his partner, affirming that their enduring partnership is built on a foundation of friendship, love, and mutual support.