
Sad as 13-Year-Old Orphaned Kakamega Girl, Who Scored 375 Marks in KCPE, Treks 15 km to Join Form One Empty-Handed

A remarkable tale unfolded in the Butere region when a 13-year-old girl named Diana Nyarotso embarked on a journey spanning over 15 kilometers to Mumias, fueled by her determination to join St. Mary’s Girls High School.

Clad in her worn navy blue Ebulafu Primary School uniform, Diana carried with her an envelope containing the precious admission letter to St. Mary’s High School and a copy of her KCPE exam results. The dust-covered black shoes she wore bore witness to the arduous journey she had undertaken to reach her destination.

In explaining her extraordinary trek, Diana shared, “I attended Ebulafu Primary School, where I achieved a remarkable score of 375 marks in my KCPE exam, earning an invitation to join St. Mary’s High School. Unfortunately, my father passed away in 2012, and my mother, who is unwell, cannot afford my school fees. Hence, I decided to set out early in the morning, walking to Mumias to personally appeal to the principal of St. Mary’s, seeking permission to join Form One. My dedication to education is unwavering, as I aspire to become a lawyer and contribute to the well-being of the less fortunate in society.”

Upon encountering Diana, the Principal of St. Mary’s High School, Monicah Buchichi, was taken aback by the girl’s earnest desire to join the school, armed with nothing but her determination.

“When I delved further into her story, I learned of her impoverished background, and her situation deeply moved me. Faced with this poignant reality, I felt compelled to grant her admission and pledged to mobilize resources to ensure she has everything she needs for her education,” Mrs. Buchichi remarked.