In a heart-wrenching story, Alexander, a former pediatrician from Russia, now faces severe financial hardship following a series of life-altering decisions. Once thriving with a stable income between $3000 and $4500 a month over 23 years, his life took a dramatic turn after his divorce from his Russian wife and subsequent move to Kenya to marry a woman from the Kikuyu tribe.
In a recent interview with Afrimax English, Alexander reflected on his prosperous past, saying, “My life was flourishing, filled with the markers of success, yet something was missing until I met my first wife, a fellow Russian. Our marriage was harmonious, and I felt content.”
However, discord eventually arose, leading to their separation. Seeking refuge from his emotional turmoil, Alexander traveled extensively, eventually finding himself in Kenya.
“There, I met a woman who instantly captured my heart,” he shared. Their romance blossomed, and they married, later having their first child while still in Russia. Alexander decided to sell his assets in Russia and move to Kenya for a fresh start.
“We sold everything and relocated. The proceeds from the sale were enough to cover our immediate financial needs,” Alexander said.
However, their new life in Kenya was fraught with challenges. His wife proposed investing in livestock and farming, including 500 chickens, 20 pigs, and 20 goats. Alexander, eager to embrace this new venture, left his medical career behind. Unfortunately, their investments failed to yield the expected returns.
“We also bought a large plot of land and built a house. As the losses mounted, I began to feel overwhelming self-blame,” Alexander recounted.
His troubles were compounded by his wife’s increasingly negative behavior. After their eventual divorce, Alexander discovered that she had deceived him and sold off their assets.
Today, Alexander struggles to make ends meet working at a construction site, confronting the harsh reality of poverty as he adapts to his new life.