
President William Ruto Demands Compensation for Farmers from Fake Fertilizer Company

President William Ruto has firmly insisted on compensation for farmers who were deceived into buying counterfeit fertilizer.

During his speech on Monday, the President emphasized that the company accountable for the fraudulent fertilizer must rectify the situation by providing authentic replacements to affected farmers at no cost.

Addressing the issue in West Pokot, he declared, “Every farmer deserves genuine fertilizer. The company responsible for this deceitful act must compensate those who fell victim to it by supplying them with new fertilizer without any charge.”

In addition to ensuring fair compensation, Ruto reassured Kenyan farmers of the government’s commitment to supporting their agricultural endeavors. He affirmed that there is a sufficient supply of fertilizer available and announced plans to further reduce its prices to alleviate the financial burden on farmers.

The President took immediate action by visiting the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) Eldoret Depot yesterday. During the surprise visit, he directed the management of all NCPB depots across the country to accelerate the distribution of subsidized fertilizer, prioritizing efficiency and accessibility.

Moreover, Ruto issued a clear warning to those involved in the illicit trade, asserting that they will face legal consequences for their actions. He emphasized the government’s determination to hold accountable anyone engaged in fraudulent activities that undermine the agricultural sector and harm farmers.