
Nyeri Assistant Chief’s Residence Attacked by Armed Goons

Assistant Chief’s Residence Attacked by Armed Gang in Nyeri

In the early hours of Saturday morning, chaos erupted in Magutu Ward, Mathira Constituency, Nyeri County, when the residence of Giakaibei Assistant Chief Willy Kihu was attacked by a gang of approximately ten armed men.

Details of the Attack

The assailants, reportedly armed with a power saw and petrol, forcibly entered Assistant Chief Kihu’s timber-made home with the apparent intent of setting it ablaze. This brazen attack has sent shockwaves through the local community, highlighting the increasing tension in the area.

Possible Motive Behind the Attack

Initial investigations suggest that the attack may be linked to an ongoing feud between the assistant chief and a local businessman who owns a bar in Giakaibei. This businessman is suspected of orchestrating the assault as a form of retaliation. The motive appears to be rooted in the assistant chief’s directive to close down the bar as part of a broader crackdown on illicit liquor in the region.

Crackdown on Illicit Liquor

Assistant Chief Kihu’s actions align with the government’s intensified efforts to eliminate the production and sale of illegal alcohol, a significant issue in Nyeri County and other parts of Kenya. The crackdown has led to the closure of several illegal establishments, sparking anger and resistance from affected business owners.

Response from Local Authorities

In response to this alarming incident, chiefs and assistant chiefs from across Nyeri County are scheduled to convene this morning. They plan to issue a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to the government’s directive and expressing solidarity with Assistant Chief Kihu. This gathering is expected to underscore the resolve of local authorities to continue the fight against illicit alcohol despite the risks involved.

Community Reactions

The attack has drawn widespread condemnation from local residents and leaders alike. Many see this as a blatant attempt to intimidate government officials enforcing the law. There is a growing call for increased security measures to protect those who are on the front lines of this critical crackdown.

Moving Forward

As investigations continue, there is hope that the perpetrators of this heinous act will be swiftly brought to justice. The community remains on high alert, and local authorities are expected to enhance security measures around the homes of chiefs and assistant chiefs involved in the crackdown on illegal alcohol.

Conclusion: A Call for Justice and Security

The attack on Assistant Chief Willy Kihu’s residence is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by those enforcing the law. It underscores the need for robust security and support for officials dedicated to rooting out illicit activities. As Nyeri County’s leaders gather to address this incident, their united front sends a powerful message of resilience and determination to uphold the law and protect their communities.