Pastor Sue Munene, renowned for her impactful ‘Twa Twa Twa’ campaign, has once more ignited a fervent response through her recent counsel aimed at men.
During a heartfelt address to her congregants at her Kasarani-based church, held during a dedicated session for married couples, Pastor Sue earnestly encouraged men to cultivate a deeper, more intimate connection with their wives, drawing an analogy to the nurturing nature of infants.
“Embrace the act of nursing at your wives’ breasts, just as infants do,” Pastor Sue urged, advocating for a more attentive approach to this aspect of spousal bonding.
“Why allow these nurturing bosoms to remain unattended?” she queried, signaling the importance of cherishing these moments.
Pastor Sue’s guidance was delivered with her distinctive insight, as she expounded, “Let the practical dimensions commence from this very night.”
Additionally, Pastor Sue extended her guidance to women, recommending that they consider forgoing bras within the sanctity of their homes, aiming to facilitate a more seamless experience for their partners in this regard.
However, in a moment of caution, Pastor Sue also expressed reservations about women engaging in analogous actions towards men. She underscored potential risks associated with such practices, including the heightened possibility of cervical health issues. These statements have once again triggered discussions among both her congregation and the wider public, shedding light on the intricate and sensitive facets of intimacy within the context of relationships.