
” Mimi Hupea Bahati Mechi Ata Nikinyesha” Diana Marua Confesses

The Bahati family has gained a reputation for their openness and willingness to share intimate aspects of their lives with the public. Diana and Bahati, a highly esteemed couple in Kenya, frequently disclose details about their relationship achievements and secrets to their fans.

In a recent viral video, Diana Marua revealed a distinctive aspect of her and Bahati’s bedroom habits. Following her return from her grandmother’s funeral in Migori, Bahati expressed his disappointment in missing Diana’s affections during the five days she was away.

Interrupting Bahati’s complaints, Diana disclosed to the public that he has a seemingly insatiable appetite. Despite being on her menstrual cycle, Bahati requested intimacy, and as a devoted and compliant wife, Diana acquiesced without hesitation.

The Bahati family’s transparency has undeniably captured the attention of many, solidifying their status as one of the most intriguing celebrity families in Kenya.