The former Prime Minister Raila Odinga had an exceptional special moment yesterday as he launched his Presidential bid during the Azimio La Umoja National Convention that was held at Kasarani. Raila Odinga has been moving across the nation over preaching the Azimio La Umoja to people ahead of the 2022 elections.
The Azimio La Umoja National Convention was attended by the ODM delegates and people from the mount Kenya who emphatically support him. The former NASA chiefs wouldn’t attend the occasion as they gave various reasons with regards to why they would should miss.
Most importantly, Raila Odinga’s event was a success and as per his discourse, Raila Odinga claimed that the Azimio La Umoja Movement is on fire and this will spearhead his Presidential desire ahead of the 2022 General Elections. This comes when Raila Odinga is contending alongside the Deputy President William Ruto in the extreme tough fight for votes.
Raila’s event in Kasarani has drawn in different responses from Kenyans and one of them is the Canadian solicitor and advocate Miguna.
According to Miguna Miguna , the Kasarani stadium was very empty during Raila Odinga’s event. Miguna Miguna makes fun of Raila Odinga highlighting that the Presidential aspirant ferried many people Kisumu, Homa Bay, Siaya, Mombasa, Narok and Kakamega. Miguna highlights that the Kasarani Stadium was empty and hence Raila Odinga is going down thunderously.
According to Miguna Miguna, he highlights that in every opinion poll towards the 2022 Presidential elections, Raila Odinga is always 40 percent behind the Deputy President William Ruto.
Miguna highlights that DP Ruto is far much better than Raila Odinga and he is most likely to win the elections.