
Meet The Githurai Pastor Who Cannot Walk On The Sinful Ground Instead, Is Carried

In the town of Githurai, there resides a pastor named John Mwangi who possesses an extraordinary disdain for the sinful nature of the world, to the extent that he requires assistance to move from one place to another.

Individuals holding positions of spiritual authority over communities are commonly known as clergy or priests.

In the twenty-first century, numerous advancements have taken place, accompanied by a prevailing belief that the end of the world is drawing near.

Within Githurai, Pastor John Mwangi stands as one of these priests, asserting that he embodies sacred ground, closely connected to the divine, thereby rendering him off-limits to ordinary mortals.

When he speaks of “sinful ground,” he refers to land that has been tainted by the blood of innocent victims. This revelation about Pastor John Mwangi was recently made public on John Kamau’s official Facebook page, approximately three hours ago.