
Meet Stephen Opondo: From Atito of “Classmates” to starring in Japanese Films

Stephen Opondo, renowned by his stage moniker Atito from KBC’s celebrated show ‘Classmates,’ is a remarkably versatile individual, brimming with a fervor for comedy and a diverse range of talents. Notably, he is a doting husband and a dedicated father to two children, unwaveringly devoted to his Christian faith, and deeply cherishing his family.

The Genesis of Atito’s Acting Odyssey

Opondo’s foray into the realm of acting traces its origins back to his high school days, where he initially dabbled in short skits. In a candid interview with Standard Media, he confessed that these early encounters with performance ignited the ember of his passion. His ardor for the craft only intensified as he continued to refine his skills, actively participating in acting endeavors within his church community.

The epiphany that would alter the course of his career struck him one day while he was taking respite at home. Reflecting upon his past experiences orchestrating street pranks on unsuspecting residents as part of a crew at Pasua, a moment of laughter crystallized the idea that comedy could indeed be his true calling.

The Emergence of Atito in ‘Classmates’

Opondo’s comedic journey underwent a significant transformation when he clinched the role of Atito in the ‘Classmates’ TV show. This watershed moment in his career sprouted from the resounding success of the pranking concept he had been nurturing with friends.

In a market oversaturated with prank programs, they innovatively conceived ‘Classmates.’ In this sitcom, Opondo embodies the character of Atito, an erudite Luo student celebrated for his impeccable English and proclivity for correcting his classmates’ linguistic and academic foibles. Despite his penchant for meddling in others’ affairs, Atito is distinguished by his judicious scrutiny of various issues before tendering his sagacious opinions.

Beyond the accolades garnered by ‘Classmates,’ Opondo’s artistic prowess transcended geographical boundaries. He revealed that he had secured a role in an international film produced by a Japanese production company, thereby exemplifying his versatility as an actor.

The Enigma of Atito’s Absence from Social Media

In an age when numerous comedians and artists have harnessed the power of social media to cultivate vast followings, Opondo has opted for a divergent path. Operating primarily behind the scenes, he crafts content for fellow artists who subsequently perform and disseminate it across various online platforms.

Regarding remuneration for actors, Opondo remains impartial to the divide between traditional television and online platforms. He contends that compensation is contingent on the caliber of content and the nature of the client involved.

Atito’s Entrepreneurial Ventures Beyond the Spotlight

In addition to his triumphant acting career, Opondo, alongside his spouse, has successfully ventured into entrepreneurship. They oversee a thriving enterprise specializing in importing vehicles from Japan, Korea, and the UK, catering to a diverse clientele ranging from high-end enthusiasts to budget-conscious buyers.

Opondo’s passion extends beyond the realm of acting. He boasts professional training in visual effects and 3D animation, domains he believes are ripe for exploration in Kenya. He aspires to be among the pioneers who infuse these cutting-edge skills into his creative endeavors.

Remarkably, few may be aware that Opondo is also an accomplished author. In 2013, he penned the book “Within,” a narrative set against the backdrop of the African missionary era, which is available for readers on Amazon.

Atito’s Sojourn into Politics

In a bold move in 2022, Opondo ventured into the sphere of politics, vying for the Umoja 2 MCA seat. Although victory eluded him on this occasion, he remains sanguine about the potential for young people to shape the political landscape, fostering empowerment within the entertainment industry.

Opondo fervently advocates for parents to consider acting as a viable career path for their children should they exhibit aptitude. He firmly believes that nurturing talent from an early age can lead to its flourishing, and with government support, the entertainment industry can truly thrive.