
Meet Hamisi, Millionaire Who Has Been Sleeping In The Coffin For 15 years.

If you believe you’ve witnessed everything life has to offer, prepare to be further surprised. The world continually presents us with peculiarities that challenge our notions of normalcy. One such case emerged when Hamisi, a Tanzanian man of means, divulged in a public interview that he has spent the last 15 years sleeping in a coffin—a revelation that left many bewildered.

Hamisi, a middle-aged individual, enjoys a life of opulence uncommon to most. Despite his apparent affluence, questions linger about the origins of his wealth, as his lifestyle deviates significantly from societal norms.

In an exclusive interview with Afrimax English, Hamisi addressed the curiosity surrounding his nocturnal habits. Contrary to speculation linking him to occult practices, he clarified that his wealth stems from diligent work and familial inheritance. As for his peculiar sleeping arrangement, he attributed it to personal preference.

Unconventional though it may seem, Hamisi rationalizes his choice by citing a spirit of adventure and a sense of security. Viewing coffins as protective enclosures, he feels safer resting within one than on a conventional bed. Additionally, he contends that his unconventional sleeping quarters serve a practical purpose, reducing potential funeral expenses in the event of an unforeseen demise.

Initially kept private, news of Hamisi’s nocturnal preference spread rapidly after a neighbor discovered his habit. Subsequently, he faced ostracization from friends who labeled him a worshiper of dark forces. Even his family distanced themselves, suspicious of the rapid accumulation of wealth. Consequently, Hamisi finds himself isolated, with only his housekeeper privy to his nightly routine.

In the morning, Hamisi’s housekeeper rouses him by tapping the coffin six times—a peculiar ritual that underscores his commitment to his chosen lifestyle. Despite societal ostracism and difficulties in romantic relationships, Hamisi remains resolute in his preference for the coffin. For him, it symbolizes comfort, security, and a rejection of societal norms—an unconventional choice that he intends to maintain.