Every once in a while, Kenyans have taken to social platforms to hail Super Metro Company Limited for streaminglining the generally chaotic public transport industry and ensuring its customers are presented with utmost professionalism
Super Metro is a transport firm that has public vehicles playing along Kikuyu Route 105, Thika Road, Juja 236 to Makongeni 237 and Ngong to Nairobi CBD Route 111.
In an industry regularly damaged by unruly conduct and foolishness, the organization has figured out how to separate itself and create a niche that commuters have come to adore and appreciate
Addressing muranganewspaper.co.ke, Nelson Mwangi, who has been the chairman of the firm since its origin in 2013, revealed that its primary goal was to change how the transport business had been perceived throughout the long term.
Mwangi and 13 different directors, met up with a shared objective,’to do business and change the sanity of the industry.’
Their first order of business was to make rules and guidelines that would oversee their workers, explicitly, their drivers and conductors.

later, a board of interviewers was set up and the enrolment started. The people who passed the interview were brought in to begin the work however were given a three-month probation period after which their performance was assessed.
The enrolment interaction has stayed consistent throughout the years and has been a guiding principal to all its employees.
“Most drivers feel super metro is a school because of the rules and regulation. Drivers and conductors make an application, they bring all requirements and we set a date for an interview.
“We don’t just handpick them. They must have all the requirements,” Mwangi stated.
Also, employees caught up in disciplinary issues need to face a board which thusly concluded whether or not they will remain in the company or leave.
“Maybe a conductor has overcharged, been rude to a customer, ferrying excess passengers or when a driver has been found overlapping, driving under the influence etc, we take action against all that.
“We believe in giving the best customer services,” he continued.
Mwangi, a Form Four drop out, intimated that the ‘from grass to grace’phrase perfectly fit the description of what his life had been. In fact, he attributed his success to God’s favour.
However Mwangi passed through his exams with no problem at all, his parents couldn’t afford his school fees, thus, he had to quit.
“I was brought up in a very poor family. Coming to Nairobi to look for a job was not easy and at one point I had to roast maize in Eastlands near Makadara law courts.”
Mwangi would then secure a chance in the hospitality business where he got going as an operation manager.
While working in the hospitality business, Mwangi got some PSV matatus, which he would run as an afterthought.Afterwards, however, he quit his job and went into the matatu business.
“I owe everything I have to God,” he said.
Asked if he would wander into politics later on, following the various calls by netizens, Mwangi said that he would not blend governmental issues and business.
“I am a businessperson who believes in doing business without mixing it with politics because I don’t want to lose the focus. I want Super Metro to outlive us,” he concluded.