
“Maisha yako bila mimi ni duni, mimi nakuhurumianga” – Diana tells Bahati

Diana Marua and musician Kelvin Bahati, a well-known couple, recently shared a candid video discussing some of their personal matters.

In the video posted on YouTube, the duo addressed how Bahati’s lifestyle has changed since the 34-year-old model entered his life.

Bahati openly acknowledged that his wife Diana has had a significant positive impact on his personal hygiene, including encouraging him to change his undergarments more frequently. He confessed that in the past, he used to wear the same boxers three times a week, but now he changes them regularly, about five times a week.

Moreover, the 30-year-old singer admitted that before Diana came into his life, he neglected grooming, even leaving his armpits and pubic hair unshaved. However, Diana has been taking care of his shaving needs since they got together. Nonetheless, Bahati playfully lamented that she has only shaved him twice in their seven years of marriage.

In her defense, Diana explained that Bahati isn’t always keen on getting shaved and sometimes even expresses discomfort afterward. She recalled a particular incident where he declined her offer to shave him, citing that it wasn’t the right time and suggested doing it later in Dubai.

Diana further shared that whenever she intends to shave Bahati, he tends to complain about possible irritation and discomfort. Despite this, she assured him that she would shave him and apply medicine to prevent any itching.

Bahati’s hair had grown quite long, and Diana promised to help him manage it. She expressed her belief that she has had a positive influence on the singer’s life and humorously hinted that life would be a lot more challenging for him without her.

The couple has been together for approximately seven years and has been blessed with three children. Additionally, they are also raising a 13-year-old boy whom Bahati adopted from an orphanage.

In conclusion, the video revealed some amusing and endearing aspects of Bahati and Diana’s relationship, showcasing their love and care for each other throughout the years.