
Lesbian Makena Njeri Officially Changes Instagram Name to Chris Muriithi

Makena Njeri, a prominent media figure and the visionary behind Bold Network Africa, is filled with joy following Meta’s assistance in officially changing their Instagram username to Chris Muriithi.

Makena took to their social media platform to share this exciting news with their supporters, detailing the journey that led to this significant change. They expressed gratitude for Meta’s unwavering support throughout the process.

Chris Muriithi extended heartfelt appreciation to all those who actively acknowledged and embraced their new official name, emphasizing the profound meaning it holds for them.

The transformation of their Instagram bio last year marked a step in the direction of change, but it wasn’t until recently that the change became fully official.

In 2021, Makena Njeri openly identified as gay and adopted the pronouns They/Them, representing their identity as a non-binary individual. Reflecting on their journey, Makena shared during a Tedx talk the challenges they faced while growing up and striving to be authentic. The weight of societal expectations imposed on them during their formative years made it particularly arduous.

Recalling a transformative moment, Makena described looking at themselves in the mirror and embracing their truth, saying, “I am gay, I am unique, and this is my reality.” Speaking about their sexuality was a liberating experience, providing immense relief and empowerment.

With newfound courage, the journalist proudly proclaimed, “I am Chris Njeri Makena, a person who is content, liberated, and self-assured.” This declaration represented a monumental shift that came after a profound journey of self-discovery, ultimately leading them to honor their authentic self.

Makena Njeri is not only a champion of personal authenticity but also the driving force behind Bold Network Africa, an advocacy and rights movement dedicated to empowering the LGBTQ community, including individuals who identify as gay, bisexual, and transgender.