
Leonard Mambo Mbotela Wife Who has Always Stayed in Rural Area

Veteran radio presenter Mambo Mbotela served in the media industry for over 5 decades making a household name. 

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A young Leonard Mbotela: PHOTO COURTESY

Famed for his ‘Je huu ni ungwana‘ segment in KBC, Mambo Mbotela is loved by most Kenyans. 

How old is Leonard Mbotela? 

The veteran media personality is now around 83 years old as he was born 1940, in  Mombasa Kenya. 

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Mbotela :PHOTO COURTESY/ The Standard

In this segment, we explores Mambo Mbotela wife and their children. 

Mambo Mbotela wife 

The former KBC anchor has been married to his wife, Alice Mbotela for several decades. 

The two tied the knot in the 1970s and they’ve happily lived together up to date. 

However, while revealing her whereabouts during an interview, Mambo Mbotela said that his wife has been living in their rural home for many years. 

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Leonard Mambo Mbotela family: PHOTO COURTESY

“She lives in our rural home, she loves the peace there…” Mbotela said during a past interview. 

Mbotela has always been full of praises to his wife citing that she had admirable and good characters since they met. 

Ours has been a great marriage so far. It has stayed strong because we have involved God in it, and even when I married my wife she had good character. Partners should work to cultivate good character as individuals, because that is what sustains the marriage… “ the veteran journalist said as quoted by The Standard.

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Mbotela with youthful journalist Mashirima Kapombe: PHOTO COURTESY

Alice was a huge fan of Mambo Mbotela’s programs on radio and he instantly fell in love with her when she first visited him in the studios. 

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Leonard Mambo Mbotela children

Alice and Mambo Mbotela are blessed with three children in their marriage that has now lasted for over 53 years.

Mbotela’s kids include Ida Mbotela , Jimmy Mbotela and George Mbotela.