
“Kumeza Dawa Za Hii Ugonjwa Ndo Inafanya Ninone” Saumu Mbuvi Explains Why She Has Grown A Potty 

In an emotional revelation, Saumu Mbuvi bemoans the impact of the medication she must take for her condition, as it leads to a steady increase in her weight with each passing day. This candid admission was made by the mother of two in a post that caught the attention of Kenyareports.com.

Saumu explicitly attributes her weight gain to the medication prescribed to manage her bipolar disorder. This unintended consequence of her treatment becomes glaringly apparent in a post shared on Kenyareports.com, as her previously well-fitting clothing hangs loosely, emphasizing the physical toll it has taken on her.

“Dealing with the side effects of bipolar medication, such as the persistent weight gain, can be an uncomfortable and disheartening experience. Some days, it makes me feel quite terrible,” Saumu Mbuvi expressed, reflecting the challenges she faces.

She adds optimistically, “Gym loading…,” indicating her determination to address this issue and improve her overall well-being through exercise.

Kenyareports.com had previously reported on Saumu Mbuvi’s commitment to managing her bipolar disorder by engaging in an active fitness routine, which includes cardio workouts, treadmill running, and weightlifting.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by episodes of extreme mood swings, oscillating between depressive lows and manic highs. While the precise cause of bipolar disorder remains unknown, a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences, and changes in brain structure and chemistry contribute to its development.

As someone living with bipolar disorder, Saumu highlights how engaging in regular exercise has become an essential part of her strategy for managing the intense mood swings and emotional fluctuations associated with her condition. Through her dedication to fitness, she endeavors to find balance and stability in her life.