
Kujiamini Nayo! Stevo Simple Boy Finally Takes Betty Kyallo On A Date

Emerging artist Stevo Simple Boy successfully secured a rendezvous with renowned media personality Betty Kyallo after persistently seeking her attention for days.

Taking to social media, the singer shared snapshots of his date with Betty Kyallo, expressing immense joy as he declared that his heart is now tranquil since he had the opportunity to meet the esteemed media queen.

“Indeed, my heart is now at peace… I took my crush on a date. God is good; I love you dearly Betty Kyallo. Imagine the things we discussed today. I’m eagerly awaiting your response!” he enthusiastically posted.

“Being with Betty Kyallo, I swear I’ll gain weight… The MINYAMA AUDIO is on YouTube; the link is in my bio. I love you all ❤️,” he added. Stevo had been fervently vying for Betty’s attention, imploring the media personality to grant him a chance. He expressed his bewilderment at why anyone would choose to cause heartbreak to such an incredible woman like Betty, who unquestionably deserves the world.

Last week, Stevo shared on his Instagram page that he is unwavering in his pursuit of the journalist’s affection, emphasizing that one must fight for what they desire.

“Regarding Betty Kyallo, you can’t advise me otherwise; I won’t be discouraged. I will fight until I win her over. But those gray ticks she gives me 🥹🥹🥹😞 Betty Kyallo (‘Nîngwendete’), open your heart… Keep me inside ❤️🎯. All the milk and everything will soon be mine 🙏🏼,” he posted.