
“Kuja Nikupige MTI” Kenyan Man Declares love To Sabina CHEGE

In a hilarious declaration of love, Kennedy from Migori pleads with Sabina Chege to give him a chance. He even goes as far as giving out his number, urging her to stop wasting time with people like Mike Sonko. Kennedy believes that Sabina is beautiful and says that he’s in love with her. He assures her that he’s fit and lean, and promises to take care of all bedroom matters.

Although he admits that he’s not able to offer her money, Kennedy believes that he can give her electrifying experiences. He urges Sabina to pick him, as he’s only 60 Kgs and can work on her properly in bed. This shows that love can take many different forms and offer varying experiences.

Love is an emotion that can involve physical attraction, emotional connection, shared values and interests, and a sense of commitment to the relationship. Kennedy knows himself and believes that he can offer Sabina everything, in return for her love and money. He even believes that they can give birth to the next Raila Odinga.

In conclusion, Kennedy’s declaration of love for Sabina Chege is both humorous and endearing. He’s not afraid to put himself out there and express his feelings for her. Love is indeed a complex emotion that can take many forms, and Kennedy is willing to offer Sabina everything he has.