
Kenya’s President William Ruto orders postponement of all School reopening date until further notice

President William Ruto has recently made a significant decision regarding the reopening of schools amidst the ongoing challenges faced by the nation. During a national address at State House, Nairobi, he declared an executive order to postpone the reopening of schools until further notice due to the adverse effects of heavy rains and flooding.

In his address, President Ruto emphasized the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of students and educators across the country. He directed the Ministry of Education to delay the commencement of the second term until conditions are deemed suitable for a safe return to school.

Furthermore, President Ruto instructed the reallocation of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) towards the reconstruction of schools and related infrastructure that have been damaged by the recent natural disasters. He urged Members of Parliament to adjust CDF allocations accordingly to support the rebuilding efforts.

Additionally, the President directed the Ministry of Interior to enforce the evacuation order for individuals residing along riparian lands, particularly in Nairobi. He expressed disappointment at reports of locals disregarding the evacuation order despite the ongoing risks posed by heavy rains and flooding.

President Ruto highlighted the forecast of continued rainfall throughout May and possibly into June, with the unprecedented occurrence of a cyclone along the coastline. This further underscores the urgency of taking proactive measures to mitigate the impact of the adverse weather conditions on communities across the country.

In summary, President Ruto’s executive order reflects a proactive approach to addressing the challenges posed by the current weather conditions, prioritizing the safety of citizens and the resilience of educational infrastructure in the face of natural disasters.