
Kenyan Lady Expresses Disappointment as Man Visits Empty-Handed, Leaves Without Contributing Even After Eating Her Food

A Kenyan woman named Anelle Amani expressed her disappointment after inviting a man over to her house.

Amani shared her frustration on Facebook, stating that the man arrived empty-handed, without bringing any gifts, which she found disrespectful.

Amani had diligently prepared her home, cleaning and cooking a wonderful meal for her guest, a practice she followed whenever someone visited.

She invested five hours in preparing the meal out of love for the man.

To her dismay, the man arrived without any shopping.

Despite her disappointment, she still welcomed him and served him the food she had prepared.

Amani even went the extra mile to provide the man with his preferred drink, a Black Label, which she had acquired for him.

However, when the man left, he did not leave anything behind for Amani.

This lack of reciprocity deeply upset her, as she had been raised with the belief that it was essential to bring something when visiting others.

Amani judged the man based on his actions and decided that he was not someone she wanted to pursue a relationship with.

She shared screenshots of her conversations with him and ultimately cut ties, feeling that he did not deserve her respect.

She contrasted his behavior with that of Kalenjin and Luhya men, praising them for always contributing to the table.

Amani explained her relationship rule: if someone brings something, she cooks and they eat. She emphasized that she loses respect for a man if she has to provide everything and he simply consumes without contributing.

“I woke up early. I cleaned and cooked a very nice meal. The cooking took me five hours but I didn’t really mind because I was kind of vibing with this man.

When he came, he just came empty-handed. Not even fruits in his hands. No shopping. At that point, I started losing interest but I still welcomed him. I served the food, we ate and drank. He is the black label guy so I went out of my way to get the drink for this man, ” she said.

‘”When he was leaving my house, he just left. No money. What I know and how I was raised is that you cannot visit people empty handed because you are going to eat there and in case you go empty handed, you have to leave some token behind. I judged that man completely and I immediately knew he is not someone I would want to establish anything with,” her message read in part.

“I have never seen these men fail to bring food. For me, my relationship rule is that you bring, I cook, you eat. I don’t want a reverse of roles,” she said.

“I can’t bring, cook, and a man eats. I lose respect for a man immediately the moment I am buying things and he consumes.”