
“Kama si bibi yangu, ningekuwa mtu useless” – Abel Mutua praises wife for making him successful

Renowned filmmaker and content creator Abel Mutua, also known as ‘Mkurugenzi,’ expresses his deep admiration for his wife, Judy, by showering her with appreciation while she can still enjoy it.

During a guest appearance on the Lynn Ngugi Show on YouTube, Abel openly acknowledged Judy as a significant influence in his life. He attributes his accomplishments and success to her unwavering support, describing her as the driving force behind his journey to greatness since they first crossed paths in 2008 as students at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication.

According to Abel, Judy is the fuel that propels him forward, and he is immensely grateful for her presence. He admits that without her, he would feel lost and aimless, and the mere thought of that sends shivers down his spine, albeit with a light-hearted chuckle to ease his emotions.

He further confesses the profound impact she has had on him, stating that he would go to any lengths for her. Her encouragement and belief in his abilities have been instrumental in keeping him focused on his life’s goals and achievements. Moreover, she has played a crucial role in preventing him from falling into the trap of drug and substance abuse, which he had previously dabbled with during his high school years.

Abel Mutua and Judy Nyawira are celebrated as prominent content creators in the country, leading the way in live recordings, a trend that has inspired numerous other creators to engage with their audiences in real-time during performances.

Initially rising to fame through his role in the local drama series, Tahidi High, Abel has since diversified his talents, venturing into filmmaking and content creation, among other creative endeavors.

In June, Abel’s outstanding talent and dedication were recognized when he received the prestigious Platinum Kuza Award, bestowed upon him by the public as their favorite online content creator. This accolade further solidifies his position as one of the top influencers in the digital landscape.