
” Kako na Kiburi Sana,She Can’t Go Far” Nyako Calls Out Azziad Nasenya

The German-based Kenyan TikToker, Pilot Nyako, is making waves by taking on various celebrities in Kenya, adopting a confrontational approach. She seems to have embraced a combative stance, criticizing and disparaging many celebrities while offering praise to a select few.

In her recent exposure of Otile Brown and negative comments about Akothee’s boyfriend, Nelly Oaks, Nyako didn’t stop there. She turned her attention to Azziad Nasenya, calling her out for what she perceives as excessive pride. Nyako claims to have observed Azziad Nasenya’s live sessions, concluding that the young social media personality is filled with arrogance. According to Nyako, Azziad mistakenly believes she has achieved success at her tender age, overlooking the long journey ahead.

Nyako predicts a grim future for Azziad, asserting that her pride will be her downfall. She boldly states that she would never consider hanging out with Azziad because their personalities wouldn’t mesh due to Azziad’s perceived arrogance.

Inspired by the audacious approach of Andrew Kibe, who fearlessly addresses Kenyan celebrities whenever and however he pleases, Nyako seems to be carving a similar niche for herself. Unfazed by the potential backlash, she is positioning herself as the new Andrew Kibe, unapologetically speaking her mind about Kenyan celebrities.