
”Huyo Shosh Anaitwa Akothee I don’t Like , I Just Hate Her” Nyako Confesses.

The TikTok sensation and self-proclaimed president of TikTok in Kenya, Nyako, has finally decided to disclose the underlying reason for her ongoing feud with the well-known personality, Akothee, also known as Madam Boss.

Back in 2023, Nyako and Akothee engaged in a heated online dispute, exchanging harsh words in a verbal war that escalated to the point where Akothee even threatened to fly to Germany to confront Nyako.

The source of their conflict remained a mystery until Nyako recently opted to come clean. Addressing the issue on her official TikTok account, Nyako publicly confessed that she harbors a strong dislike for Akothee. According to Nyako, this aversion is a natural sentiment, and she emphasized that she simply cannot bring herself to like Akothee.

Nyako clarified that disliking someone is a normal human experience, and it is beyond her control. Despite her negative feelings towards Akothee, Nyako asserted that it doesn’t make Akothee a bad person. Nyako has chosen to maintain a distance from Akothee and refrains from trolling her on social media. She believes that the best way to handle people one dislikes is to keep a respectful distance and focus on personal pursuits, emphasizing the importance of staying in one’s lane.