Edday Nderitu, the wife of Samidoh, responded to the recent incident involving Karen Nyamu’s attempt to conceal a black eye with a cap. The photo quickly circulated on social media, triggering speculation among users that Karen Nyamu had suffered physical harm from her child’s father, Samidoh.
Among the many social media users who shared the viral photo, one individual made a mocking comment insinuating that Samidoh had assaulted Karen, disregarding her gesture of presenting him with an expensive Father’s Day gift of liquor worth Ksh 420,000.
In response to this post, Edday shared her thoughts and subtly implied that Karen might have become accustomed to such recurring episodes of violence. She commented, “Those seem like a recurring prescription,” expressing her perspective on the matter.
In a separate instance, Karen Nyamu took to Facebook to refute claims of being assaulted by Samidoh, her baby daddy. She also reached out to fans who attended the mugithi singer’s show in Naivasha during the Safari Rally, asking them to confirm whether she had a black eye.