
Headteacher Caught In ‘ACTION’ With Parent In School Library Floor

A local school in Bungoma witnessed a surprising turn of events on Tuesday evening when a 50-year-old headteacher, Mr. Mukheshi (pseudonym), decided to repurpose the library into an unconventional lodging.

Caught in the act with a parent who had arrived at the school to obtain her daughter’s birth certificate copy for the ongoing class eight registration, the headteacher’s actions left both teachers and pupils astonished.

The parent, accompanied by her friend, visited the school shortly after the mid-day break. Directed by the deputy to meet the headteacher in the library, she asked her friend to wait on a bench while she went to discuss the matter.

As time passed, the friend grew impatient and decided to look for her. To her shock, she discovered the headteacher and her friend engaged in an inappropriate act, with their clothes scattered on the floor.

In Swahili, she exclaimed, “Hii ndio kitu mnafanya apa na Mimi nakungoja nje?” (“You mean this is what you are doing when I am patiently waiting for you?”)

Mary, the friend, immediately raised the alarm, drawing the attention of other teachers. Upon reaching the library, they found the two individuals hastily trying to put on their clothes, the lady attempting to cover her face.

Expressing her dismay, Mary said, “Huyu mama nampatia mtoto wake aibu gani hii?” (“What shame is this mother subjecting her child to?”)

The intervention of various teachers was required to escort the pupils away and guide the two female parents to the school gate. Following the incident, the headteacher swiftly left the compound on his motorbike.

Insiders revealed that this was not an isolated incident, suggesting that the headteacher had been engaging in such behavior for some time and had now faced the consequences of his actions.