
” Diana Ananinyima sana, Ananipea Mechi Once in 2 Weeks” Bahati Complains on Camera.

Kenyan Singer Kevin Bahati and his wife Diana Marua decided again to argue live on camera about their bedroom matters. The two are used to exposing everything they do on social media, and they go to an extend of revealing their intimate secrets to the public.

This time round, Kevin Bahati was the one who was complaining . In a video that went viral on social media pages, Bahati complained of being denied conjugal rights by his wife Diana for two weeks. The singer said that for two weeks, he has only tasted her wife’s honey pot once.

In trying to defend herself, Diana Marua showed how her eyes were dehydrated, claiming that she is the one who has been sleeping with their sick daughter in hospital for several days. She said that Bahati needs to understand that it was not her will for her to deny him conjugal rights, she was taking care of the sick  Malaika Bahati.

Bahati seemed not to be convinced by her excuse, he continued arguing, claiming that he needs to be given conjugal rights on daily basis. He even refused to go and take a shower with Diana Marua.

This is not the first time the couple are arguing about their bedroom issues live on camera. Some months ago, Diana Marua is on record complaining how Bahati sleeps with her even when she is on her periods.