
Content Creator Chebet Ronoh Opens up on Her Struggles With Alcohol Addiction

Kenyan content creator and comedian, Ronoh Chebet, has bravely opened up about her battle with alcohol and her journey towards sobriety. Taking to Instagram, Ronoh revealed that she has been sober for 19 days and has set her sights on reaching 90 days of continuous sobriety. Her struggle with mental health and alcoholism has been ongoing, leading to her having been in rehab twice and hospitalized due to the negative impact of alcohol.

“I have chosen to commit to a 90-day period of sobriety, and I’m currently 19 days into this journey. My hope is to maintain this lifestyle for many years to come.”

Throughout her experience, Ronoh has faced both short-term and long-term effects of alcohol consumption, which at times required medical intervention for her to function properly. Furthermore, alcohol has taken a toll on her relationships and affected the functioning of her bodily organs.

In an effort to help others who may be going through similar struggles, Ronoh has launched a series on social media called ‘Recovering from Addiction.’ This series draws from her own personal experiences and witnessing the challenges faced by young people grappling with alcohol addiction. Through research and a heartfelt desire to address the issue, she aims to encourage people to stop normalizing drinking and alcoholism.

Ronoh emphasizes that the decision to be sober is deeply personal, and she is committed to this path for her own betterment and to live a healthier and happier life. Her courage in sharing her story and offering support through her content demonstrates her dedication to helping others find their way to recovery.