
Carol Sonnie Introduces Her New Boyfriend.

Just a year following her tumultuous split with the father of her child, Carol Sonnie has decided to reveal the new love in her life, the man who brings warmth to her bed…CONTINUE READING

The young celebrity and influential brand figure took a considerable amount of time to mend from the heartbreak that nearly plunged her into depression amidst the intense public scrutiny surrounding their separation.

Accusations of dating Wababaz and alleged infidelity towards her ex, Mulamwah, marred the aftermath of their breakup, resulting in a messy situation.

The breakup was so acrimonious that Mulamwah went as far as disowning their child, leading Carol to expunge Mulamwah’s name from their offspring.

Nevertheless, Carol appears to have found happiness again. In a video shared on her official Instagram page, she proudly introduced her new partner, accompanied by the unveiling of a luxurious gift – a brand new iPhone 15 Promax.

The iPhone 15 Promax is a high-end device, currently the latest in the market, with a price tag exceeding Ksh 200,000.

Though it remains unclear whether this was a promotional endorsement, Carol’s Instagram stories suggest a deep and affectionate connection between the two.

While the identity of her new partner remains concealed for now, it is expected that more details will emerge in due course. Wishing you all the best, Carol Sonnie.