Arrow Bwoy, one of Kenya’s most renowned musicians, recently sparked online excitement during a candid and lively exchange with his girlfriend and future wife, Nadia Mukami. This engaging quickfire session delved into a variety of random yet profound questions, touching on aspects of their past relationships and intimate matters.
The purpose of this session was to generate buzz for their upcoming “Love and Vibes” show scheduled to take place in Eldoret. Those interested in attending can secure tickets through the official Instagram pages of Arrow Bwoy and Nadia Mukami, where booking links are available.
Amidst the candid conversation, Arrow Bwoy fearlessly inquired about Nadia Mukami’s purity, specifically asking who took her virginity. Without hesitation, Nadia Mukami confirmed that it was indeed Arrow Bwoy.
A moment of silence followed, during which Arrow Bwoy acknowledged the truth, admitting that he was the one who played a role in breaking Nadia Mukami’s purity. He recounted his own initial experience with intimacy, sharing that it occurred during his second year of high school and wasn’t a pleasant encounter due to the purity of the lady involved, making the experience awkward.
Arrow Bwoy continued to openly discuss his past, revealing that he and his previous girlfriend used to engage in intimate activities in the studio and even in the car.
In contrast, Nadia Mukami had relatively little to share about her own past, presenting herself as someone with a clean history. She denied ever having a sponsor (Mubabaz) in her life.
Previous interviews with Nadia Mukami have consistently portrayed her as a virtuous individual who prioritizes her goals in life. She emphasized her focus on academic success, being a bright student who performed well in school. This commitment to personal and academic excellence is cited as one of the reasons for Nadia’s limited involvement in relationship scandals.