
Abel Mutua shocking reasons he doesn’t want more Children with Judy Nyawira.

Kenyan filmmaker and content creator, Abel Mutua, popularly known as ‘Mkurugenzi’, recently opened up about a profound and emotional experience he had in the delivery room while his wife, Judy Nyawira, was giving birth.

During a candid conversation on Judy Nyawira’s YouTube channel, Abel recounted the intense rollercoaster of emotions he went through as he witnessed his wife enduring the pains of childbirth. He vividly described the feeling of helplessness that engulfed him as he watched Judy in agonizing pain.

In a somewhat light-hearted moment, Abel humorously recalled clinging onto the bars of the maternity bed for support, an action that left a lasting impression on him.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Abel expressed his reluctance to ever return to the delivery room, stating that the memory of that day still haunts him even after 14 years. He shared how the experience of seeing his wife in pain and being unable to alleviate it deeply affected him, solidifying his decision to steer clear of future visits to the labor room.

Abel also took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the unconventional journey into parenthood that he and Judy embarked upon at a young age. Becoming parents to their daughter, Stephanie Mumbua, in their early twenties meant foregoing the carefree days of youth.

Speaking about the sacrifices they made as young parents, Abel highlighted the joy and pride he feels as Mumbus, as they affectionately call her, ventures into the realm of boarding school.

As Mumbus begins her boarding school journey, Abel finds himself embracing the newfound freedom and anticipates the empty nest phase with enthusiasm, acknowledging their decision to wholeheartedly embrace this new chapter of their lives.