
Sleuths Bust 3 Catholic Nuns Inside Vehicle Transporting Bhang and Chang’aa.

The DCI detectives have arrested three missionaries who were busted transporting bhang and chang’aa.

According to a statement by the sleuths, the three catholic Nuns could not explain the source of the confinement hence promoting the officers to make the arres.

Read the full statement;

A vehicle loaded with a consignment of cannabis sativa was last night impounded by detectives, as it made its way into the city. The marijuana that was carefully concealed in 13 bales was recovered from a vehicle that had travelled from Malaba, with four occupants.

Paradoxically, three of the passengers were Catholic missionaries from the Benedictine Sisters. The visibly shaken nuns were however not connected to the consignment since they had boarded the vehicle as passengers, headed to a convent in Karen.

Detectives from DCI Langata division had earlier flagged down the vehicle along the southern bypass, but the driver failed to stop prompting a high speed chase that left the three missionaries silently reciting their rosaries and meditating the sacred mysteries.

Their prayers were finally answered when the ill fated jalopy they were traveling in, failed to match the speed of the Subaru hatchback used by the detectives, forcing the driver to jump from the vehicle as they approached Kabage area and disappeared into darkness. It is after a search was conducted in the vehicle that the consignment and three jerrycans containing 35 litres of locally distilled Chang’aa brew were recovered.

The sisters who were at pains to distance themselves from the drugs explained to the detectives that they had earlier boarded the vehicle at Malaba on the Kenya-Uganda border, paid their fare and the driver was just about to drop them off in Karen, when the detectives flagged down the vehicle.

A manhunt for the suspect is still ongoing.