Nyako, also known as “Pilot Niako,” is a popular Tiktok user who has gained a significant following due to her unique style of creating videos. She is a Kenyan living in Germany with her husband and son. Her Tiktok videos have made a lasting impact on the Kenyan Tiktok community.
Nyako is often referred to as “Nyako,” which means girl in the Luo dialect. Her videos are memorable because of the way she presents them. However, she is known for being very vocal and loud, and her followers need to tread carefully on her page when commenting or choosing their words.
Nyako is notorious for picking fights with her Tiktok followers and users who try to go after her. Her famous sounds “Unaniadress na oppo” and “zima iyo tekno” have been picked up by Kenyans from her Tiktok lives where she is usually addressing someone.
She holds her live sessions in her kitchen, where she often flaunts her gadgets, son, and husband. Nyako does not take negative comments lightly and would be very quick to pick on negative comments. If she perceives that you have fallen out of favor with her, she will drag your name, leaving you questioning your existence or why you commented.
Nyako has had issues with some of the popular Tiktoker’s such as Azziad Nasenya, Chokuu, Hannah Benta, and Becky. She has a significant following on Tiktok, and her fans often leave comments praising her for her realness and the way she speaks the truth.
In conclusion, Nyako is a popular Tiktok user known for her unique style of creating videos. She is a Kenyan living in Germany with her husband and son, and her videos have made a lasting impact on the Kenyan Tiktok community.