The entertainment industry is in mourning after the passing of well-known comedian and actor, Duncan Ochonjo. Ochonjo passed away on the 10th of May at 2am after a brief illness, according to his colleague, actress Sandra Ndacha. He had been taken to the hospital on the 3rd of May 2023.
Sandra Dacha, who was not only Ochonjo’s colleague but also his friend, expressed her grief over the loss, saying, “You embrace death because life does not exist without you. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from our hearts. Rest in peace my friend/colleague.”
Duncan Ochonjo was a prominent figure in the comedy industry and was known for his hilarious skits that resonated deeply with audiences. Along with fellow comedians Mike Wako and Onsongo, Ochonjo created uproarious skits that entertained many. He also appeared in several popular Kenyan shows, such as “Kalausi,” “Inspector Mwala,” “Mazagazaga,” “Njoro Wa Uba,” and “Vashita.” In addition to his work in comedy, Ochonjo was an actor in Ramogi TV’s Nyar Kochia series.
A close source has revealed that Ochonjo passed away due to liver-related complications and kidney failure.
The entertainment industry has lost a talented comedian and actor, and his presence will be greatly missed. May his soul rest in peace.