In the lively community of Kibra, rapper Pritty Vishy has been savoring precious moments with her mother, who recently returned to Kenya following a 4 and a half year stint in Saudi Arabia.
The emotional reunion took place on October 7, and it deeply resonated with Vishy’s devoted fan base. “My mum left when I was in form 2… it was hard since I had never been away from her… and finally she’s back. Oh, God, thank you so much. I am so grateful,” Vishy expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the long-anticipated reunion.
Since her mother’s return, the two have been inseparable. However, Vishy noticed that her mother was attracting unwelcome attention, particularly from young men who were romantically interested in her. Vishy took to her social media to express her concerns and issue a warning to these individuals, urging them to keep their distance.
In a recent interview with YouTuber Mungai Eve, Vishy’s mother openly addressed the situation. She firmly asserted, “Don’t even think about sliding into my inbox.” Reflecting on her past experiences, she shared how her narcissistic ex-husband had disrespected her and emphasized the significance of mutual respect in relationships.
“I’m not saying that young men are inherently immature. It depends on an individual’s level of maturity. I do believe you can find a very mature young man. However, he must understand that I am a woman deserving of love. Women need love, and men need respect. But not everyone is disrespectful; it’s mostly the younger ones. They lack maturity and expect you to mother them. They want you to be the one taking care of them, and they use ‘I love you, baby’ to deceive you,” she explained.
She made it clear that she values maturity and respect in a relationship. Addressing potential suitors, she emphasized her boundaries, stating, “If you’re mature, you can approach me. But if you’re immature, you’ll be swiftly dismissed. I’ve been through a lot, and single mothers come from various backgrounds. There’s a category where a man has hurt you.”
She continued to describe the challenges faced by women who have endured such marital hardships. These women do not tolerate games, and disrespecting them can lead to significant consequences. “Many of them have been left, so if you encounter a woman like that and you attempt to exploit her for financial gain or engage in foolish behavior, I won’t stand for it,” she firmly asserted.