Tycoon Jimmy Wanjigi, a successful businessman and political strategist, is a proud man, grateful to have a wife like Irene Nzisa by his side. Despite his wealth, Mr. Wanjigi is not shy about expressing his admiration for his beautiful wife, who he says completes him in every way.
Jimmy Wanjigi describes Irene as a steadfast partner, one who has always stood by him, even in the face of adversity. Her calm demeanor has been evident during several police raids on their Muthaiga home, where the authorities were searching for her husband.
Recently, Wanjigi praised his wife’s loyalty, highlighting that she has never betrayed him, even when the situation seemed dire for both her and their children. He compared her strength to that of a teabag, saying, “You never know the strength of a woman until you understand a teabag. The strength of a teabag is only known when you put it in hot water.”
He recounted an incident where a friend sent 100 police officers to his home, searching for him. Wanjigi recalled, “But my beautiful wife… she held the fort. She didn’t cry, she didn’t show fear. She told them, ‘You’re looking for my husband? Come in.’ For three days, they didn’t find me. My wife protected me.”
Wanjigi emphasized the importance of marrying a Kamba woman, praising Irene’s loyalty and attributing it to her upbringing. He expressed gratitude to her parents for instilling good manners and a strong sense of loyalty in her.
Having been raided twice now, Jimmy Wanjigi credits his wife Nzisa for helping him evade the police, acknowledging that she has been his protector throughout their time together.